Leading by Serving

Leading by Being the Servant

We work voluntarily to  help liberate people from poverty. When I established PINE TREE (Project Initiating Employment through Training in Environmental Enterprises) I was thinking of two things–helping eliminate poverty and environmental  decay — through socal change. I then made it my group’s mission.

Our strategy is to help liberate people from poverty by allowing them to use their God-given skills, talent, opportunities  combined with ours for service and in our case, without or with little personal material benefit

We work on the conscience that having been gifted with more or better (education), different skills and knowledge as well as experience, health and access to resources, we work to serve first because we care–for people and for Mother Earth.

This is because we feel we were chosen and called to do so and it is an honor to be in that situation.

Michael A. Bengwayan Ph. D


PINE TREE, the Cordillera Ecological Center

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